How to use your intuition to make good decisions

Have you ever had a gut feeling that guided you to make a decision? Or perhaps you ignored your intuition and later regretted it? Intuition, often described as a “gut feeling” or “inner voice,” is a powerful tool that plays a significant role in our decision-making process. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of intuition in decision making, understand why it is important to listen to our intuition, and provide practical steps to success for harnessing the power of intuition. So, let’s dive in!

The Role of Intuition in Decision Making

Intuition is our subconscious mind’s way of processing information and drawing conclusions based on patterns, experiences, and insights that we may not be consciously aware of. It taps into our instinctive knowledge and emotions, providing us with a deep understanding that goes beyond logical analysis. Here are a few reasons why intuition is so influential in decision making:

a) Quick decision-making: In certain situations, we don’t have the luxury of time to analyse every detail or consider all possible options. Intuition allows us to make quick decisions based on our instincts and past experiences.

Imagine you’re in a job interview, and despite the candidate’s impressive resume and qualifications, something feels off. Your intuition tells you that this person may not be the right fit for the team. Trusting your intuition, you make the decision not to hire them.

When buying a house, you visit multiple properties, but one particular house immediately feels like home. Even if it doesn’t check all the boxes on your list, your intuition tells you it’s the right choice.

b) Accessing subconscious wisdom: Our subconscious mind processes a vast amount of information that our conscious mind may not be able to grasp. Intuition allows us to tap into this vast reservoir of knowledge and make decisions based on insights beyond our conscious understanding.

A seasoned investor has developed a keen intuition about the stock market. They can quickly sense patterns and trends, even without analysing all the data, and make profitable investment decisions.

An experienced chef relies on their intuition to experiment with flavours and create unique and delicious dishes. They trust their instincts to combine ingredients in ways that result in a harmonious and flavorful outcome.

c) Emotional guidance: Intuition often taps into our emotions, which can provide valuable guidance in decision making. Our emotions can reveal underlying desires, values, and potential outcomes that logical analysis may overlook.

You’re considering a job offer that, on paper, seems ideal with a higher salary and benefits. However, your intuition tells you that it doesn’t align with your core values and will lead to a lack of fulfilment. You trust your intuition and decline the offer.

When choosing a life partner, your intuition may guide you to recognize a deep connection and compatibility with someone, even if it defies logical reasoning or societal expectations.

Steps to Success for Harnessing the Power of Intuition

a) Cultivate self-awareness: To harness the power of intuition, it’s important to develop self-awareness. Pay attention to your emotions, body sensations, and inner voice. Take time to reflect and understand the signals your intuition sends.

Before making a decision, take a moment to check in with yourself. Notice any emotions that arise, such as excitement, hesitation, or discomfort. Reflect on what your intuition might be trying to communicate.

Keep a journal to record instances where your intuition guided you in the past. Look for patterns or common themes that can help you recognize and trust your intuition in future decision-making processes.

b) Quiet the noise: Our intuition is often drowned out by external noise, distractions, and self-doubt. Create space for quiet reflection and solitude to allow your intuition to emerge more clearly.

Practice meditation or mindfulness techniques to quiet the mind and create a sense of inner calm. This helps you to connect with your intuition and make decisions from a centred place.

Take regular breaks from technology, social media, and other sources of external influence. This allows you to create mental space and reduce the noise that can cloud your intuition.

c) Seek solitude and introspection: Sometimes, making important decisions requires stepping away from external influences and seeking solitude. This allows you to connect with your inner wisdom and listen to your intuition without distractions.

When facing a difficult decision, take a walk in nature or find a quiet spot where you can be alone. Use this time to reflect, listen to your intuition, and gain clarity.

If you’re part of a team making a collective decision, schedule individual reflection time before coming together to share insights. This allows each team member to tap into their intuition before engaging in group discussion.

d) Embrace uncertainty: Intuition often operates in the realm of uncertainty, where logic and facts may be incomplete or ambiguous. Embrace the unknown and be open to the insights that intuition can provide.

A writer faces a creative block while working on a novel. Instead of forcing the story in a specific direction, they trust their intuition to guide the narrative, allowing unexpected plot twists and character developments.

When launching a new product, a business owner listens to their intuition about market demand, even if the data is inconclusive. They take calculated risks based on their gut feeling, often leading to successful outcomes.

e) Validate intuition with reason: While intuition is powerful, it’s essential to balance it with rational thinking. Use logical analysis to validate and complement your intuitive insights.

You have a strong intuition that a certain investment opportunity is promising. However, you also conduct thorough research, analyse market trends, and consult with experts to validate your intuition before making a financial decision.

Your intuition tells you that a particular job offer is the right choice. To validate this, you assess the company’s culture, growth potential, and alignment with your long-term goals to ensure your decision is well-rounded.

f) Reflect on past experiences: Past experiences provide valuable lessons and insights that can inform our intuition. Reflect on your previous decisions, both successful and unsuccessful, to sharpen your intuitive abilities.

When considering a business partnership, reflect on past collaborations. Consider the qualities and dynamics that led to successful partnerships and use this knowledge to guide your intuitive judgment.

Reflect on past relationships to identify patterns and red flags. This helps you to trust your intuition when entering new relationships and avoid repeating past mistakes.

g) Practice and trust: Building a strong connection with your intuition requires practice and trust. The more you listen to and act upon your intuition, the more it strengthens and becomes a reliable guide in decision making.

Start with small decisions and practice trusting your intuition. As you observe positive outcomes, your confidence in your intuition will grow.

Discuss intuitive decision making with trusted friends or mentors who have experience in relying on their intuition. Share stories and support each other in developing and trusting this powerful tool.

Applying the Power of Intuition in Our Lives

To apply the power of intuition in our lives, we must cultivate awareness, trust, and practice. Here are a few practical tips for integrating intuition into our decision-making process:

a) Pause and listen: When faced with a decision, pause and listen to your intuition. Allow yourself to be open to its guidance and insights.

b) Validate with logic: Use rational thinking to validate and complement your intuition. Consider both intuitive insights and logical analysis to make well-rounded decisions.

c) Reflect and learn: Continuously reflect on past experiences and learn from them. Identify patterns and use them to refine your intuition and decision-making skills.

d) Embrace mistakes: Understand that mistakes are part of the learning process. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and development.

e) Practice self-trust: Develop self-trust by honouring your intuition and acting upon it. Over time, you will build confidence in your ability to make decisions aligned with your inner wisdom.

If you feel you’d like to learn more, why not check out Jo Simpson’s Ted Talk on Intuitive decision Making.

You also might want to read my article on tackling emotional decision making.


In conclusion, the power of intuition in decision making is undeniable. It taps into our subconscious knowledge, emotions, and experiences to provide deep insights that can lead to better choices. By cultivating self-awareness, quieting the noise, seeking solitude, embracing uncertainty, validating intuition with reason, reflecting on past experiences, and practicing trust, we can harness the power of intuition in our decision-making process. Trust your gut, embrace the unknown, and let your intuition be your guide as you navigate life’s decisions. Remember, intuition is a valuable tool that can bring clarity, alignment, and fulfillment to your choices.