How to use Urge Surfing to Conquer Your Temptations

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to a thrilling journey called “urge surfing.” No, it’s not about synchronized urges on surfboards; it’s a mindfulness technique that empowers you to conquer those pesky temptations knocking at your door. So, grab your virtual surfboard and get ready to ride the waves of self-control with a splash of humor!

The History of Urge Surfing

The history of urge surfing can be traced back to the development of mindfulness-based approaches to managing addictive behaviors. While the concept itself may not have been explicitly termed “urge surfing” in the early days, the principles and techniques associated with it have been integrated into various therapeutic approaches.

One of the pioneering figures in this field is Dr. Alan Marlatt, a renowned psychologist and addiction researcher. In the late 1970s, Marlatt began developing a treatment approach called Relapse Prevention (RP), which aimed to address the cycle of addiction and prevent relapses. The core idea behind RP was to equip individuals with strategies to recognize and manage the triggers and cravings that often lead to relapse.

Within the context of RP, the concept of “urge surfing” emerged as a metaphorical representation of how individuals could approach and navigate their urges or cravings. The term itself was coined by psychologists who found that adopting a surfing mindset could be an effective way to deal with addictive urges.

The metaphor of surfing resonated with the idea of riding the ups and downs of cravings without being overwhelmed by them. Instead of fighting against the urge or giving in to it immediately, individuals were encouraged to adopt a mindful, non-judgmental attitude toward their cravings. By observing the ebb and flow of these urges, individuals could learn to tolerate discomfort, stay present in the moment, and make conscious choices aligned with their long-term goals.

Over the years, the concept of urge surfing has gained recognition and been incorporated into various mindfulness-based approaches and addiction treatment programs. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention programs, such as Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP), have integrated the principles of urge surfing as a central component of their curriculum.

How to use urge surfing in your life

The practice of urge surfing has also found its way into other areas of self-control and behaviour change beyond addiction. It has been applied to managing cravings related to overeating, gambling, smoking, and even excessive technology use.

Today, urge surfing continues to evolve as a powerful tool for individuals seeking to break free from the grips of addictive behaviours and strengthen their self-control. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to shift the focus from fighting against urges to riding the waves of cravings with curiosity and non-judgment.

As research on mindfulness and addiction continues to expand, urge surfing remains a valuable technique that empowers individuals to develop a deeper understanding of their cravings, cultivate resilience, and make choices that align with their values and well-being.

So, whether you’re craving a slice of pizza or battling a more challenging addiction, hop on your imaginary surfboard, embrace the waves of temptation, and learn to ride them out with a mindful and playful spirit. The art of urge surfing is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and empowerment, offering a new perspective on how we can conquer our cravings and navigate the challenges life throws our way.

The 4 steps to implement urge surfing

Understanding the Art of Urge Surfing:

Imagine yourself on a beautiful beach, soaking up the sun, when suddenly a powerful urge comes crashing in like a rogue wave. It could be the temptation to snack on a bag of potato chips, endlessly scroll through social media, or indulge in that irresistible slice of pizza. Urge surfing invites you to approach these urges with curiosity and non-judgment, much like a surfer riding the exhilarating highs and challenging lows of the ocean.

Step 1: Recognize the Wave:

Before you can ride the wave, you must first recognize it. Awareness is key. Rather than judging or resisting the urge, acknowledge its presence without beating yourself up. It’s like spotting a massive wave on the horizon and preparing to catch it, rather than being caught off guard. So, when that longing for a deliciously gooey slice of pizza hits you, don’t fret. Embrace the awareness and get ready to tackle it head-on.

Picture yourself at a party, surrounded by an array of mouth-watering desserts. Suddenly, a platter of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies emerges, and it’s as if your taste buds start cheering, urging you to grab one. You can almost hear them chanting, “Cookie! Cookie!” Take a deep breath, acknowledge the wave of temptation rolling in, and prepare to ride it like a pro.

Step 2: Observe the Swell:

Having recognized the urge, it’s time to observe the swell. Allow yourself to fully experience the sensation, the emotions, and the physical sensations that accompany it. It’s like riding the rising swell before it crashes into a magnificent wave. Feel the excitement and the pull of the temptation, but don’t succumb just yet.

Imagine you’re strolling through a shopping mall, minding your own business, when suddenly a shiny new gadget catches your eye. It’s as if it has a gravitational force, drawing you closer and whispering, “Buy me! You need me!” Observe the swell of temptation, feel the urgency building up, and acknowledge the power of consumerism trying to make its way into your wallet.

Step 3: Ride the Wave:

Now, it’s time to put your surfing skills to the test and ride that wave of temptation. Stay present, centered, and focused on your ultimate goal. Take deep breaths, maintain control, and navigate the wave without being engulfed by it. Remember, you’re the master of your own surfboard!

You’re on a strict diet, determined to make healthy choices, when suddenly your friend invites you to a sumptuous all-you-can-eat buffet. The aroma of freshly grilled steaks fills the air, and you can practically hear them sizzle on the grill. Instead of diving headfirst into the buffet like a ravenous seagull, ride the wave of temptation by focusing on your health goals and envisioning the satisfaction of achieving them.

Step 4: Watch the Wave Dissipate:

As you ride the wave, pay attention to how it gradually dissipates and loses its power. Urges, like waves, are temporary and transient. By staying present and observing the wave without judgment or resistance, you’ll realise urge surfing can be a valuable technique in various situations where individuals experience cravings, temptations, or urges. Here are a few examples of how urge surfing can be useful:

Urge surfing examples

Managing Food Cravings:

Imagine you’re on a diet, and suddenly you find yourself craving a decadent piece of chocolate cake. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or giving in to the temptation immediately, you can apply urge surfing. Recognize the wave of craving, observe the sensations and emotions that arise, and ride the wave with curiosity and non-judgment. As you stay present and observe the intensity of the craving, you’ll notice that it gradually subsides, allowing you to make a conscious decision that aligns with your health goals.

Dealing with Smoking Urges:

For individuals trying to quit smoking, the urge to light up a cigarette can be intense. Rather than fighting against the urge or succumbing to it, urge surfing offers a different approach. When the craving arises, acknowledge it without judgment and observe the sensations in your body and mind. By staying present and riding the wave of the urge, you’ll find that it eventually dissipates, giving you the opportunity to choose a healthier alternative or engage in a distracting activity.

Overcoming Technology Addiction:

In today’s digital age, many people struggle with excessive use of technology and social media. When the urge to check your phone or mindlessly scroll through social media arises, urge surfing can help. Recognize the urge, observe the thoughts and emotions accompanying it, and ride the wave without immediately acting on it. By staying present and aware, you can make a conscious decision to engage in more meaningful activities or take a break from technology altogether.

Coping with Gambling Urges:

For individuals dealing with gambling addiction, the urge to place a bet can be incredibly powerful. Urge surfing provides a way to navigate these urges effectively. When the craving strikes, acknowledge it without judgment, and observe the thoughts, sensations, and emotions that arise. By staying present and riding the wave, you can resist the impulse to gamble and choose alternative activities that promote your well-being.

Overcoming Procrastination:

Procrastination often involves battling the urge to avoid tasks or delay important responsibilities. Urge surfing can be a helpful approach in managing procrastination. When the urge to procrastinate arises, recognize it without judgment, and observe the thoughts and emotions associated with it. By staying present and riding the wave of the urge, you can maintain focus, break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and ultimately overcome the procrastination habit.

These examples illustrate how urge surfing can be applied in various contexts to manage cravings, temptations, and urges effectively. By adopting a mindful and non-judgmental approach, individuals can develop resilience, strengthen their self-control, and make conscious choices that align with their values and goals. So, hop on your virtual surfboard and start riding those waves of temptation with curiosity, humour, and a spirit of self-discovery!

I’ve used urge surfing in my life to great effect – just knowing that the feeling will pass if you live with it is a game changer. If you’re anything like me, it’s all too easy to fall prey to the one click purchases, often late at night when you’re tired and are in need of that little hit of dopamine. However, I’ve learnt that if I simply resist the urge to purchase immediately, but instead, put it in my shopping cart, and wait a few days, I often find I don’t want the item anymore. It also has the added benefit of often being offered a discount after it has been nestling in my online trolley for a few days. So, if I still want to make a purchase, I can get it for a song! 

If you want to dive deeper, check out this YouTube short from Healthygamer gg
And if you want other ways to create good habits, check out our article about using systems to reach your goals.