How to overcome he myth of motivation

Motivation is often touted as the key ingredient to productivity and success. We are often told that we need to wait for the right moment, the surge of inspiration, or the perfect alignment of circumstances before taking action. However, in reality, waiting for motivation to strike can be a futile endeavour that hinders progress and delays our achievements. In this blog post, we will debunk the myth of waiting for motivation and explore how taking action, even without feeling motivated, can lead to greater productivity and success.

Motivation: Overrated and Unreliable

Motivation is fleeting: Relying solely on motivation leaves us vulnerable to its transient nature. Motivation can come and go, influenced by various factors such as mood, energy levels, and external circumstances. Waiting for motivation means we may never take action, as we become trapped in a cycle of waiting for the right moment that may never arrive.

The paradox of motivation: Oftentimes, we assume that motivation is a prerequisite for action. However, the reality is that action often precedes motivation. Taking that first step, even when we don’t feel motivated, can create a positive feedback loop that generates motivation. By engaging in the task at hand, we build momentum and generate a sense of accomplishment that fuels further motivation.

Resistance and fear: Waiting for motivation can be an excuse rooted in resistance and fear. Procrastination and self-doubt can creep in when we rely on motivation to guide our actions. The more we wait, the more resistance builds, and the harder it becomes to break free from the cycle of inaction.

Opportunity cost: The time spent waiting for motivation is time lost. While we wait for the stars to align, others who take consistent action are making progress and achieving their goals. By bypassing motivation and taking immediate action, we seize opportunities and position ourselves for success.

Motivation is a by-product of action: Research has shown that motivation often follows action, not the other way around. By initiating a task, we engage our focus and harness our inner drive. The act of doing creates motivation, propelling us forward with a renewed sense of purpose and momentum.

Case Study 1: The Story of Jane, the Writer

Meet Jane, an aspiring writer who dreamt of penning her first novel. For years, Jane waited for the perfect moment of motivation to strike before she would start writing. She believed that she needed to feel inspired and motivated to produce her best work. However, as days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Jane’s novel remained nothing more than an idea. Frustrated by her lack of progress, she decided to take a different approach. Instead of waiting for motivation, Jane committed to writing for at least 30 minutes every day, regardless of how she felt. Surprisingly, she discovered that the act of writing itself generated motivation and inspiration. As she immersed herself in the writing process, her creativity flourished, and she began making significant progress on her novel.

Case Study 2: The Journey of Mark, the Entrepreneur

Mark had a vision of starting his own business but found himself constantly waiting for the right moment and the perfect motivation to begin. He spent years analysing market trends, researching competitors, and fine-tuning his business plan, all in the pursuit of that elusive surge of motivation. However, his business remained stagnant until he realized that motivation alone wouldn’t propel him forward. Determined to break free from the myth, Mark took a leap of faith and launched his business, even without feeling fully motivated. As he took action, he discovered that the challenges he encountered along the way became valuable learning experiences. With each obstacle overcome, he gained the motivation and drive to continue pushing forward. Today, Mark’s business is thriving, proving that waiting for motivation is not a prerequisite for success.

Case Study 3: The Experience of Sarah, the Fitness Enthusiast

Sarah had always wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle, but she struggled to find the motivation to exercise regularly. She believed that she needed to feel motivated and energized to hit the gym or engage in physical activity. However, days turned into weeks, and her fitness goals remained unattainable. Frustrated with her lack of progress, Sarah decided to adopt a new approach. Instead of waiting for motivation, she committed to a consistent exercise routine, regardless of her mood or energy levels. As she persevered through the initial challenges and pushed herself to take action, Sarah discovered that exercise itself became a source of motivation. She experienced the endorphin rush and the sense of accomplishment that came with each workout. Over time, her dedication paid off, and she achieved her fitness goals, all without relying solely on motivation.

These case studies highlight the myth of waiting for motivation. They demonstrate that action, even in the absence of motivation, can lead to remarkable outcomes. By taking the first step, Jane, Mark, and Sarah discovered that motivation often follows action, not the other way around. They learned that waiting for the perfect moment can hold us back from realizing our full potential. By bypassing the myth of motivation and embracing the power of action, they were able to achieve their goals and create meaningful change in their lives. Their stories serve as powerful reminders that taking consistent action is the catalyst for success, motivation, and personal growth.

Steps to Success: Bypassing Motivation and Taking Action

  1. Set clear goals: Define your goals with clarity and specificity. Establishing clear objectives provides a roadmap for action, irrespective of your current level of motivation.
  2. Break tasks into smaller steps: Overwhelm and lack of motivation often go hand in hand. Break down your tasks into smaller, manageable steps. By focusing on one small action at a time, you reduce the mental burden and make it easier to take that first step.
  3. Establish routines and habits: Create a consistent routine that incorporates regular, scheduled time for action. By integrating tasks into your daily or weekly routines, you eliminate the need to rely solely on motivation. Consistency builds discipline and minimizes the impact of fluctuating motivation levels.
  4. Practice self-discipline: Cultivate self-discipline and commit to taking action, even when you don’t feel motivated. Motivation is fleeting, but discipline is a reliable driving force that helps us push through resistance and maintain consistent progress.
  5. Celebrate progress and small wins: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest steps of progress. By recognizing and rewarding your efforts, you create positive reinforcement that fuels motivation and encourages further action.
  6. Seek accountability and support: Share your goals and progress with others who can provide support and hold you accountable. Having a trusted friend, mentor, or accountability partner can provide the external motivation and encouragement you need to stay on track.
  7. Embrace imperfection and learn from setbacks: Don’t let the fear of failure or perfectionism paralyze you. Embrace the journey, including the inevitable setbacks and mistakes along the way. Learn from them, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.

If you want to find out more, check out Dan Pink’s Ted Talk on The puzzle of Motivation. 

And if you want to dive deeper, why not check out my article on how to get creative with the 20 takeaways from Aaron Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist.


Waiting for motivation is an unreliable strategy that can hinder productivity and impede progress towards our goals. By understanding the limitations of motivation and embracing the power of action, we can overcome inertia and achieve remarkable results. Remember, taking consistent action, even in the absence of motivation, builds momentum, generates inspiration, and propels us towards success. So, bypass the myth of waiting for motivation and embrace the power of action to unlock your full potential.