How to make informed decisions

The Power of Collecting Good Data

Making decisions can be a challenging task. From choosing what to wear in the morning to deciding on important life-altering choices, we often find ourselves grappling with uncertainty and doubt. However, there is a valuable tool that can significantly enhance our decision-making process: collecting good data. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why gathering data is essential in decision making, provide examples of how data collection can benefit businesses and real-life scenarios, and outline a step-by-step guide to effectively choose and collect data. So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of data-driven decision making!

Why Gather Data for Decision Making?

  1. Reducing Bias and Subjectivity: Humans are prone to biases and subjective judgments. Collecting data allows us to introduce objectivity into the decision-making process. It provides a factual foundation that minimizes the influence of personal biases, emotions, and gut feelings, leading to more rational and informed decisions.

Imagine a manager who is considering two candidates for a job position. By relying solely on personal impressions and intuition, they might hire the candidate who charms them during the interview. However, by collecting data on both candidates’ qualifications, experience, and performance records, the manager can make a more unbiased and objective decision.

  1. Enhancing Accuracy and Precision: Data collection enables us to gather accurate and precise information about a situation or problem. It helps us uncover patterns, trends, and insights that may otherwise remain hidden. By relying on facts and figures, we can make more accurate predictions, evaluate risks, and assess the potential outcomes of our decisions.

A retail business considering whether to launch a new product can analyse market research data, including consumer preferences, buying habits, and competitor analysis. This information provides a clearer understanding of market demand, allowing the business to make an informed decision about the potential success of the new product.

  1. Identifying Opportunities and Challenges: Data collection helps us identify both opportunities and potential obstacles. It allows us to gather information about market trends, customer needs, industry benchmarks, and competitor analysis. Armed with this data, we can spot emerging opportunities, anticipate challenges, and make strategic decisions that align with our goals.

A restaurant owner who wants to expand their business can collect data on customer feedback, demographics, and local market trends. This information reveals potential new target markets, highlights areas for improvement, and guides menu adjustments to better cater to customer preferences.

Who can we learn from?

  1. Amazon: As one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies, Amazon is renowned for its data-driven approach to decision making. The company collects vast amounts of customer data, including browsing behaviour, purchase history, and preferences. This data is then used to personalize recommendations, optimize product placement, and improve customer experience.
  2. Google: Google’s success is built on its ability to collect and analyse data. From search queries to user behaviour, Google gathers massive amounts of data to refine its algorithms, deliver relevant search results, and provide targeted advertising. This data-driven approach allows Google to continuously improve its services and stay ahead of the competition.
  3. Netflix: Netflix, the popular streaming platform, heavily relies on data to drive its content decisions. By analyzing user viewing habits, ratings, and preferences, Netflix can suggest personalized content recommendations and produce original shows and movies that resonate with its audience. Data guides their content acquisition and production strategies, leading to the creation of popular and binge-worthy shows.
  4. Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaigns: Barack Obama’s campaigns revolutionized political data analysis. By utilizing data from various sources, including social media, demographics, and voter behaviour, the campaigns developed sophisticated voter targeting strategies. This data-driven approach allowed them to identify swing voters, tailor messaging, and allocate campaign resources effectively.
  5. Walmart: Walmart is known for its robust data collection and analysis. The retail giant gathers data on customer purchasing patterns, inventory management, and supply chain operations. By leveraging this data, Walmart optimizes product placement, manages inventory levels, and adjusts pricing strategies to meet customer demand and maximize profits.
  6. Tesla: Tesla, the electric vehicle company, relies on data to improve its products and enhance the overall driving experience. Through its fleet of connected vehicles, Tesla collects real-time data on vehicle performance, battery usage, and driver behaviour. This data is used to analyse and optimize vehicle performance, identify potential issues, and provide over-the-air updates to enhance the driving experience for Tesla owners.

These examples illustrate how data collection and analysis have become integral parts of decision making for successful individuals and companies. By leveraging the power of data, these entities have gained valuable insights, made informed choices, and achieved remarkable success in their respective fields.

What sort of data should we collect?

In our everyday lives, there are numerous decisions we make that can benefit from data collection. Here are some common examples:

  1. Personal Finances: Managing our finances effectively requires data collection. By tracking our income, expenses, and savings, we can gain insights into our spending habits, identify areas where we can save money, and set realistic financial goals. Budgeting apps and financial tracking tools can assist in collecting and analyzing financial data to make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending.
  2. Health and Fitness: When it comes to our health and fitness goals, data collection can be instrumental. Tracking our physical activity, calorie intake, sleep patterns, and vital signs can provide valuable insights into our overall well-being. By collecting and analyzing this data, we can identify patterns, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions about our exercise routines, dietary choices, and sleep habits.
  3. Travel Planning: Planning a trip can involve a multitude of decisions, and data collection can make the process smoother. Researching destinations, comparing flight prices, reading hotel reviews, and analyzing weather patterns are all ways in which data can inform our travel decisions. By collecting data on costs, attractions, and accommodations, we can make informed choices that align with our preferences and budget.
  4. Career Development: Data collection plays a vital role in career decision making. Gathering information about job market trends, salary ranges, and required skills can help us make informed decisions about our career paths. Additionally, collecting feedback from supervisors, peers, or performance evaluations can provide insights for professional growth and development.
  5. Product Purchases: Before making a purchase, collecting data can help us make informed decisions about the products we buy. Reading customer reviews, comparing prices, and evaluating product features are examples of data collection in consumer decision making. By gathering information, we can make confident choices that align with our needs, preferences, and budgets.
  6. Time Management: Data collection can support effective time management. Tracking our daily routines, identifying time-consuming activities, and analyzing productivity patterns can help us make adjustments to optimize our time. Time tracking apps and productivity tools can assist in collecting data on how we spend our time and offer insights for better time management decisions.

In each of these examples, data collection empowers us to make more informed decisions. It allows us to gain insights, identify patterns, and evaluate options based on factual information. By leveraging data, we can improve our decision-making process and increase the likelihood of achieving our desired outcomes in various aspects of our everyday lives.

Steps to Success: Choosing and Collecting Data

Step 1: Define Your Decision-Making Objective: Clearly identify the purpose of your decision. What problem are you trying to solve, and what outcome do you want to achieve? This clarity will guide you in selecting relevant data.

Step 2: Identify Key Metrics and Indicators: Determine the specific metrics and indicators that are critical to your decision-making process. These could include financial data, customer feedback, performance indicators, market trends, or any other relevant factors.

If you’re deciding whether to launch a new product, key metrics could include market demand, consumer preferences, production costs, and revenue projections.

Step 3: Evaluate Data Sources: Determine where you can access reliable and accurate data. Consider internal sources such as sales records, customer surveys, or employee performance data. Additionally, explore external sources such as industry reports, market research studies, or government databases.

Step 4: Collect Data Effectively: Once you have identified your data sources, collect the necessary information efficiently. Use surveys, interviews, observations, or automated systems to gather relevant data points.

Step 5: Organize and Analyse Data: Organize your data in a structured manner to facilitate analysis. Use spreadsheets, databases, or data visualization tools to make sense of the information and identify patterns, trends, and insights.

Step 6: Draw Conclusions and Make Decisions: Analyse the collected data to draw informed conclusions. Evaluate the implications of the data and consider different scenarios before making your decision.

Step 7: Monitor and Iterate: After making your decision, monitor the outcomes and track the results. This feedback loop will provide valuable insights for future decision-making processes.

Integrating Data Collection into Our Lives

To integrate data collection effectively into our decision-making process, we must adopt a curious and open mindset. Embrace the idea that data is your ally, not a burdensome task. Look for opportunities to gather information, challenge assumptions, and seek different perspectives. Remember, data collection doesn’t have to be overly complicated or time-consuming. Find a balance between the data you need and the resources available to you.

If you would to delve deeper into the process, why not check out Prukalpa Sankar’s Ted Talk on how big data can influence big decisions

You might also want to look at my article on overcoming analysis paralysis in the decision making process.


In a world where decisions impact our personal and professional lives, the power of data cannot be underestimated. By gathering good data, we can reduce bias, enhance accuracy, identify opportunities, and overcome challenges. So, let’s embrace the art of data collection, unleash our decision-making potential, and navigate the complexities of life with confidence and informed choices. Happy data hunting!