How to make good decisions as a team

Harnessing Collective Intelligence for Optimal Results

In today’s collaborative work environments, decisions are often made by teams rather than by individuals. The collective intelligence of a team, when harnessed effectively, can lead to better decision-making and superior outcomes. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of making decisions as a team and provide practical insights on how to harness collective intelligence for optimal results.

Why Make Decisions as a Team?

1. Diverse Perspectives

Teams consist of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise. When making decisions collectively, each team member brings their unique perspective to the table. This diversity of viewpoints enriches the decision-making process, allowing for a more comprehensive evaluation of options and potential risks.

For example, imagine a marketing team discussing strategies for a new product launch. Each member may have distinct insights on target audiences, promotional channels, and messaging, leading to a more robust decision that considers various perspectives and increases the chances of success.

2. Shared Knowledge and Expertise

Team decision-making capitalizes on the collective knowledge and expertise of its members. Each team member possesses a specific skill set and domain knowledge that can contribute to the decision-making process. By pooling together their expertise, teams can tap into a wealth of information and insights that may not be available to an individual decision-maker.

Consider a software development team facing a complex technical challenge. Through collaborative decision-making, developers can share their expertise, exchange ideas, and propose innovative solutions. This collaborative approach leverages the team’s collective knowledge to arrive at the most effective decision.

3. Increased Creativity and Innovation

When teams come together to make decisions, brainstorming and ideation naturally occur. The synergy among team members sparks creativity and facilitates the generation of innovative ideas. Collaborative decision-making encourages an open and supportive environment where team members can freely express their thoughts and build upon each other’s suggestions.

For instance, in a design team working on a new product concept, collective decision-making allows for a dynamic exchange of creative ideas. The team can explore diverse design options, combining and refining concepts to create a truly innovative solution that may have been difficult to achieve through individual decision-making.

Harnessing Collective Intelligence: Steps to Success

1. Foster Psychological Safety

Create an environment that encourages open communication and psychological safety, where team members feel comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of judgment or reprisal. This fosters trust and enables everyone to contribute their insights and perspectives freely.

For example, a team leader can initiate regular team meetings and establish ground rules that promote respectful dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback. By fostering psychological safety, team members are more likely to share their ideas, challenge assumptions, and contribute to the decision-making process.

2. Establish Clear Goals and Roles

Ensure that the team has a shared understanding of the decision-making goals and objectives. Clearly define each team member’s roles and responsibilities, aligning them with their expertise and areas of influence. Clarity in goals and roles minimizes confusion, promotes accountability, and facilitates effective collaboration.

For instance, in a project management team, the team leader can clearly communicate the project’s objectives, deadlines, and deliverables. Each team member is assigned specific tasks and responsibilities based on their skills and expertise, enabling them to contribute effectively to the decision-making process.

3. Encourage Active Participation

Promote active participation by creating opportunities for all team members to contribute their ideas and perspectives. Encourage brainstorming sessions, group discussions, and collaborative problem-solving activities. Ensure that quieter team members have an equal chance to voice their thoughts and ideas.

For instance, during a team meeting, a facilitator can employ techniques like round-robin discussions or using a digital collaboration tool to gather input from all team members. This inclusive approach encourages diverse participation, harnesses the collective intelligence of the team, and leads to well-informed decisions.

4. Utilize Decision-Making Tools and Techniques

Leverage decision-making tools and techniques that support team collaboration and enhance the decision-making process. These tools can include voting systems, decision matrices, or SWOT analysis, among others. By employing such tools, teams can structure discussions, evaluate options systematically, and reach consensus more efficiently.

For example, a project team deciding on which software development methodology to adopt can use a decision matrix to evaluate each approach’s advantages, disadvantages, and compatibility with project requirements. This structured approach helps the team objectively weigh the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision collectively.

5. Embrace Conflict as a Catalyst for Growth

Recognize that healthy conflicts can be a catalyst for growth and better decision-making. Encourage respectful debates, where diverse opinions are shared and conflicting viewpoints are explored. Constructive conflict allows teams to challenge assumptions, critically evaluate ideas, and arrive at more robust decisions.

For instance, in a sales team discussing pricing strategies, conflicting opinions on discounting approaches may arise. Instead of avoiding the conflict, the team can embrace it, facilitating a healthy debate that delves into customer preferences, market dynamics, and revenue implications. Through this process, the team can reach a consensus on the most effective pricing strategy.

5. Evaluate and Learn from Decisions

After making a decision as a team, take time to evaluate its effectiveness and learn from the outcomes. Reflect on the decision-making process, identify strengths, areas for improvement, and lessons learned. This feedback loop enables continuous learning and refinement of the team’s decision-making capabilities.

For example, a product development team can conduct post-launch reviews to assess the success of a new product. By analysing customer feedback, sales data, and market response, the team can evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions, identify areas for improvement, and apply those insights to future projects.

Applying Team Decision-Making to Daily Life

To incorporate team decision-making into our daily lives, we can:

Seek input from others

When facing important decisions, involve trusted individuals who can provide valuable insights and perspectives. Engage in discussions, seek feedback, and consider alternative viewpoints before finalizing your decision.

Form decision-making networks

Create informal or formal networks of friends, mentors, or colleagues with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Regularly consult with them on decisions to leverage their collective intelligence and benefit from their varied perspectives.

Collaborate on group projects

When working on group projects or assignments, actively participate in discussions, contribute your ideas, and engage in collaborative decision-making. Embrace the opportunity to learn from others and collectively make better choices.

If you want to find out more, you might want to check out the Ted Talk by Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely on How groups can make good decisions.

Alternatively, you might want to have a look at my article on making good decisions using the growth mindset thought process. 


Making decisions as a team and harnessing collective intelligence can significantly enhance the quality of our decisions and lead to optimal results. By embracing diverse perspectives, leveraging shared knowledge and expertise, and fostering a collaborative environment, teams can tap into the power of collective intelligence. By following the steps outlined above, such as fostering psychological safety, establishing clear goals and roles, encouraging active participation, utilizing decision-making tools, embracing healthy conflict, and evaluating decisions, we can apply team decision-making principles to our daily lives. So, let’s harness the power of collaboration, tap into the collective wisdom, and make better decisions together.