How to make better decisions

Life is a series of decisions, both big and small. From picking the perfect outfit to making career-defining choices, our ability to make effective decisions shapes our lives. In this blog post, we will explore practical strategies to navigate the decision-making process with confidence, all while sharing a few laughs along the way. By understanding and applying these strategies, you’ll be better equipped to make informed choices that align with your goals and values. So, let’s embark on this decision-making journey filled with wit, wisdom, and a dash of humour.

Strategy 1: Gather Information and Analyse

Before diving into a decision, gather relevant information and analyse it objectively. This allows you to make well-informed choices while keeping your options open for amusing surprises.

Picture yourself in a grocery store, trying to choose the best cereal. Take a moment to compare nutritional information, read labels, and consider your taste preferences. Analysing the information may lead to hilarious discoveries, like finding out your favourite childhood cereal now has a new “healthier” version with an unexpected taste twist.

You’re browsing online for a new smartphone. Research different brands, compare specifications, and read customer reviews. Analysing the information might uncover amusing anecdotes from users who experienced unexpected phone malfunctions, like accidentally texting their boss an embarrassing emoji instead of a professional email.

Strategy 2: Consider the Consequences and Risks

Evaluate the potential consequences and risks associated with each decision, but don’t forget to inject a sense of humour into your evaluation. Laughter can help alleviate the pressure and add a playful perspective to the decision-making process.

You’re considering adopting a pet. Consider the responsibilities, costs, and potential lifestyle changes. Reflecting on the consequences might bring a smile to your face, imagining your mischievous cat knocking over a cup of water onto your laptop just as you’re about to meet a tight deadline.

You’re contemplating a spontaneous road trip with friends. Consider the financial implications, logistics, and potential mishaps. Reflecting on the risks might leave you chuckling at the memory of getting lost in a small town, relying on locals’ hilariously conflicting directions to find your way back to the highway.

Strategy 3: Trust Your Gut and Embrace Intuition

While logic and analysis play a vital role in decision-making, don’t underestimate the power of your gut feelings. Trusting your intuition can lead to unexpectedly delightful outcomes and amusing tales to share.

You’re browsing through a flea market, contemplating whether to purchase a quirky vintage lamp. Trust your instincts and go for it. Embracing your intuition might result in a unique conversation starter and a hilarious story about how your lamp mysteriously flickers whenever your favourite song plays.

You’re deciding between two job offers. Despite similar benefits, one company gives you a gut feeling of excitement. Trust your intuition and take the leap. Embracing your instincts might lead to unexpected opportunities, like finding out that your new colleagues have a weekly “silly hat” tradition that adds laughter to the workplace.

Strategy 4: Seek Advice and Consider Different Perspectives

Don’t hesitate to seek advice and consider different perspectives when making decisions. Not only does it provide valuable insights, but it also opens the door for amusing anecdotes and shared laughter.

You’re considering a new hairstyle. Consult with your trusted hair stylist and gather their expert advice. Engaging in a light-hearted conversation might lead to amusing stories about past hairstyle experiments gone wrong, bonding over shared hair horror tales.

You’re planning a family gathering and need to choose a venue. Seek input from family members and consider their perspectives. It might lead to humorous debates about which aunt makes the best potato salad or funny stories from previous family reunions, adding an extra layer of joy to the decision-making process.

Strategy 5: Set a Deadline and Trust Yourself

Setting a deadline helps avoid endless deliberation and promotes action. Trust yourself and your decision-making abilities, knowing that even if things don’t go according to plan, there will be hilarious memories and valuable lessons along the way.

Imagine you’re debating whether to join a cooking class. Set a deadline to research options, consult your schedule, and make a decision. Trust in your choice, even if your attempt at preparing a gourmet dish turns into a comical disaster, with smoke billowing from the oven and a pasta dish resembling modern art.

If you want to find out more about using deadlines, why not check out my article on Goal Setting for personal Growth

Integrating Decision-Making Strategies into Your Life

To integrate these strategies into your life, start by applying them to smaller decisions and gradually expand to more significant ones. Practice gathering information, analysing, considering consequences, trusting your intuition, seeking advice, setting deadlines, and embracing the humour in decision-making. Over time, these strategies will become second nature, guiding you toward making better choices while enjoying the journey.

If you want more information, you might want to watch Matthew Confer’s Ted Talk: 3 steps to making better decisions.


Decision-making doesn’t have to be a daunting and serious process. By employing strategies like gathering information, evaluating consequences, trusting your intuition, seeking advice, setting deadlines, and infusing humour, you can navigate the decision-making maze with confidence and a smile. Remember that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and laughter can be your trusty companion along the way. So, embrace the humorous side of decision-making, make choices that resonate with your true self, and enjoy the laughter-filled adventures that await!