How to design your environment to supercharge your productivity

Ah, the quest for productivity! We all seek that magical elixir to boost our efficiency and achieve more. But did you know that the environment in which you work and live can greatly influence your productivity? Welcome to our whimsical journey through the art of crafting the perfect productivity oasis. In this friendly and practical guide, we’ll uncover the steps to success while sprinkling in real-life examples to help you design an environment that ignites your productivity fire.

Step 1: Clear the Clutter and Simplify

A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. Start your journey towards productivity by decluttering and simplifying your surroundings.

Take a leaf out of Marie Kondo’s book and embrace the magic of tidying up. Rid your workspace of unnecessary items that only add visual noise and create distractions. Keep only the essentials and organize them in a way that sparks joy and promotes focus.

Consider the sleek and minimalist design of Apple stores. By adopting a minimalist approach, they create a clean and uncluttered environment that allows customers to focus on the products. Apply this principle to your workspace, eliminating excess items and creating a sense of calm and clarity.

Step 2: Optimize Lighting for Illuminated Brilliance

Lighting can make or break your productivity. Harness the power of light to create an environment that fosters focus and energy.

Natural light is a productivity superhero. Position your workspace near a window to bask in the benefits of natural sunlight. Enjoy the warmth on your skin, soak in the Vitamin D, and let the light boost your mood and enhance cognitive function.

Look to design-forward companies like Google and their emphasis on well-lit workspaces. Incorporate adjustable desk lamps that mimic natural light, ensuring you have the perfect lighting for different tasks. Experiment with warm or cool light tones to find the ambiance that suits your productivity style.

Step 3: Ergonomics: The Comfort Crusade

Don’t underestimate the power of ergonomic design. Ensure your workspace is optimized for comfort to support long hours of focused work.

Imagine the ergonomically designed chairs used by NASA astronauts during space missions. Invest in a comfortable chair that supports good posture, promotes blood circulation, and prevents discomfort or pain during extended periods of sitting.

Look at the standing desk trend embraced by visionaries like Winston Churchill and Ernest Hemingway. Standing desks offer a change in posture, increase energy levels, and stimulate creativity. Consider adding a standing desk converter to your workspace, allowing you to switch between sitting and standing positions.

Step 4: Taming the Distraction Beast

Distractions are productivity’s sworn enemy. Take control of your environment and minimize potential disruptions.

In the digital age, notifications can be constant interruptions. Embrace the “Do Not Disturb” mode on your devices during dedicated work sessions. Set specific times for checking emails or social media to prevent the lure of constant distractions.

Follow the footsteps of acclaimed author J.K. Rowling, who sought solace in a secluded café to escape distractions and focus on writing. Consider finding your own haven, whether it’s a quiet corner in a library or a co-working space where distractions are minimized, allowing you to dive into deep work.

Step 5: Inspire Your Senses

Surround yourself with elements that inspire and motivate, engaging your senses and sparking creativity.

Add a touch of greenery to your workspace with plants like the resilient and air-purifying snake plant or the peace-lily, known for its calming properties. The presence of plants can reduce stress, enhance air quality, and create a calming atmosphere.

Delight your ears with mood-enhancing music or ambient sounds. Classical compositions or instrumental playlists can promote focus, while nature sounds like rain or waves crashing can create a serene backdrop for deep concentration. Experiment and find the soundscape that transports you to your productivity zone.

Step 6: Personalize Your Productivity Haven

Infuse your personality and interests into your environment, creating a space that resonates with your unique self.

Embrace the colourful and eclectic workspace of renowned chef Jamie Oliver, adorned with playful artwork and culinary paraphernalia. Surround yourself with items that bring you joy and reflect your passions. Hang up artwork, display meaningful objects, or showcase achievements that inspire you to reach new heights.

Explore the concept of “deskscapes” popularized by creative individuals. Curate a collage of images, quotes, and affirmations that align with your goals and aspirations. Let this visual inspiration guide you and remind you of your purpose and dreams.

Step 7: Establish Boundaries and Protect Your Flow

Set clear boundaries to safeguard your productivity and create a focused work environment.

Communicate your availability and work hours to colleagues, friends, and family members, setting expectations for uninterrupted work time. Establish specific periods for deep work where you can immerse yourself in important tasks without distractions or interruptions.

Take a page from the book of productivity guru Tim Ferriss, who encourages batching similar tasks together. By dedicating specific time blocks for specific activities, such as responding to emails or scheduling meetings, you can minimize interruptions and maximize efficiency.

If you want more information about task batching, check my article here: Time batching: the ultimate productivity tool.

Step 8: Evolve and Adapt

Remember that productivity is a journey, and your environment should adapt to your changing needs and goals.

Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, famously designed offices with moveable walls that could be reconfigured to accommodate different project teams. Take inspiration from this adaptable approach and be open to rearranging your workspace to meet the evolving demands of your work.

Keep a pulse on the latest productivity trends and technologies. Explore apps and tools that can streamline your workflow, automate repetitive tasks, or help you stay organized. For instance, project management tools like or task management apps like Todoist can revolutionize your productivity game.


Congratulations! You’ve embarked on a quest to design a productivity oasis tailored to your unique needs. By decluttering, optimizing lighting, embracing ergonomics, minimizing distractions, inspiring your senses, personalizing your space, setting boundaries, and remaining adaptable, you’ll create an environment that fuels your productivity journey.

If you want more information about designing the perfect environment, check out Paul Gleeson’s Ted Talk on How your environment impacts the outcomes in your life. And watch out for the cannibalism in the talk!

Now, armed with these practical steps and a pinch of humour, dive into the world of productivity design and transform your surroundings into a haven of efficiency and creativity. May your productivity soar, your accomplishments flourish, and your personal life thrive within the embrace of your newly crafted environment. Happy designing!