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How to make smarter decisions
Embracing the Middle Ground: A Nuanced Approach to Decision-Making In the world of decision-making, the allure of dualistic thinking often beckons us to choose between two opposing options. However,...
How to make better decisions
Life is a series of decisions, both big and small. From picking the perfect outfit to making career-defining choices, our ability to make effective decisions shapes our lives. In this blog post, we will...
I tested out the Pomodoro technique for 30 days: Here are the results.
The Pomodoro technique is a well-known productivity hack for getting more things done. It is named after a tomato-shaped timer the inventor Francesco Cirillo used when he first stumbled upon it. Basically,...
How we can unlock the secrets of Google's success
Lessons for Personal and Professional Growth Google, the tech titan renowned for its innovation and ground-breaking achievements, holds valuable lessons that can propel us towards personal and professional...