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domino1 (2)
Making better decisions: use the domino technique
Humans are little balls of contradictory fluff. We know what is good for us, yet we often do the exact opposite. We know we need to eat healthily, but our willpower buckles at the mere sight of...
Book study: The Chimp Paradox
By Dr Steve Peters  Pub Vermillion Publishing This self-help classic, first published way back in 2012, has sold well over a million copies and graces the shelves of the newest self-help junkies...
money basics
Book Study: The Money Basics
By Peter Komolafe Published by Harper Collins, 2023                                   As you know by now, the Next...
4 mins
Book Study: You have 4 minutes to change your life
By Rebekah Borucki Published by Hay House, 2017                                   As you know by now, the Next Few...