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Procrastnation 3
The 8 reasons why you are procrastinating
You know the feeling. That essay is due in at the end of the month. You’ve got to get the weekly trading figures to Jenna for her presentation by Friday. You’re kitchen sink is overflowing with dirty cups...
Priorities blog
How to prioritise tasks to reach your goals quickly
You’ve got your list of interests or a massive to-do list that seems to go on for ever. You have a sense of the direction you want to go in, but… what to start with? What tasks should you make a...
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7 easy ways to overcome procrastination
Starting on a goal can be daunting. You might be so exhausted after work every evening that all you want to do is slump in front of the TV or head to bed early. You may be feeling lethargic and unmotivated,...
14 ways to find 2 or more hours each week
So you’ve decided that you want to be fitter, richer, or more zen? You’ve made a commitment to learn Polish,  basket weaving, coding or fish whispering. Whatever it is, we also need to make a time commmitment...