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6 easy ways to use a journal for goal setting
In recent years, journaling has become much more in-vogue rather than the slightly hippie-dippie feel from the 1960s. But using a journal is far from the whoo-hoo, but an amazing way of plumbing your inner...
habit loops
How to use habit loops to reach your goals
We have seen that having well defined habits can make your chances of success in reaching your goals.  But it is often really tricky to integrate these new habits into our lives, especially after...
The 4 simple steps to reach your goals: the power of systems
Over the past few decades, there has been a general consensus that there is one good way to set goals.  But current thinking is moving away from this old idea and using updated science knowledge to...
habit tracker
10 reasons why you should use a habit tracker
Developing a new habit can be hard work. We are trying to integrate a new skill or action into our life, but fighting our own laziness, lethargy and poor habits. So, how is a habit tracker going to help? Habit...