next few steps

Do you ever feel stuck, unsure of which direction your life is heading? Have you got a big dream that could give your life more meaning? Are you fed up with being fed up and constantly yearning for more money, more time, more energy or better relationships? 

This blog has the solutions that will get you off your couch and into action!

This Next Few Steps blog is dedicated to helping you develop healthy productivity habits, getting your sweet, sweet bootie into action and making your dreams a reality. It’s all about guiding you towards your Next Few Steps to becoming a better version of you that you’ve always wanted. Finally, no more broken promises and forgotten News Year’s Resolutions: just focused action.

You will find a huge range of articles on a wide range of topics; from beating procrastination to tips to boost your productivity; from how to set effective goals to developing systems and habits to reach these goals in the most efficient way possible. 

If you have had long-held dreams but are unsure where to start, or are a self-confessed self-help junkie, wallowing and bewildered by conflicting advice, this blog will help you  cut through the noise and power through to that new version of ‘You 2.0’ you’ve always dreamed of. 

Filled with cutting edge techniques from the latest research, you will be guided towards setting clear goals and find ways that help you actually stick to your plan. 

Your future awaits, fellow adventurer!

Latest Articles

How to overcome he myth of motivation
Motivation is often touted as the key ingredient to productivity and success. We are often told that we need to wait for the right moment, the surge of inspiration, or the perfect alignment...
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How to seek out variety to Spice up life
Why we get stuck in a rut Getting into a rut can be a challenging experience that leaves us feeling stuck, uninspired, and disconnected from our true potential. When we fall into...
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How to unleash creativity: 20 takeaways from "Steal Like an Artist"
“Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon is an engaging and enlightening book that invites readers to embrace their creative potential. Originally conceived as a series of...
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How to reverse engineer happiness for a fulfilling life
Happiness is a fundamental human pursuit that transcends culture and time. We all aspire to live a life filled with joy, contentment, and purpose. However, achieving sustained happiness...
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How to boost our productivity: copy Elon Musk
Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, has become a symbol of remarkable productivity and achievement. His relentless pursuit of ambitious...
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How to use goal setting to unlock entrepreneurial success
As an entrepreneur, setting clear and meaningful goals is the key to driving your business towards success. Goals provide direction, focus, and motivation, helping you navigate the...
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Learn more about us

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, knowing there is more to life but unsure how to get started? At Next Few Steps, we have resources and an amazing community to help you go from standing start to a flourishing finish, just by taking the next few steps! 

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